Reminder to competitors for the Summer Championships.
The venue has in place a requirement for all ponies on the showground to comply with the equine influenza requirements below. All passports will be checked in the secretaries’ office before any numbers can be collected or entries made, so please ensure you bring them with you.
This rule applies in respect of any horse, apart from any foal less than 6 months old whose dam was vaccinated in accordance with this rule.
A DEFRA acceptable passport must be produced for every horse entering the showground. It is understood that some horses whose primary vaccinations pre-date the official passport may still have these entered on a separate document; this document must also have the identification of the horse or pony completed.
1. Two injections for primary vaccination, not less than 21 days and not more than 92 days apart, are required before being eligible to compete;
2. A first booster injection must be given within seven months after the second injection of primary vaccination;
3. Subsequent booster injections must be given at intervals of not more than one year, commencing after the first booster injection;
4. The most recent booster injection must have been given within the six calendar months and 21 days AND at least seven days prior to the horse arriving at the competition
If looking to attend on Monday 5th August 2019, Equines must have received their last vaccination between 15th January 2019 and 29th July 2019, inclusive of these dates (15th January 2019 is 6 months + 21 days before the show. 29th July 2019 is 7 days before the show.)
If attending on Tuesday 6th August 2019, Equines must have received their last vaccination between 16th January 2019 and 30th July 2019, inclusive of these dates.
If attending on Wednesday 7th August 2019, Equines must have received their last vaccination between 17th January 2019 and 31st July 2019, inclusive of these dates.
If attending on Thursday 8th August 2019, Equines must have received their last vaccination between 18th January 2019 and 1st August 2019, inclusive of these dates.
Forgotten passport. Any horse without a passport will be sent home (plus travel companions).
Unvaccinated companion horse. Passports and vaccination records in accordance with the new rules must be carried for all horses on board any vehicle. Any horses without passports and compliant vaccination records will be asked to leave the site, along with any others which they may have travelled with.
Only primary course given. This is fine, as long as the horse has had the first two injections that make up the primary course, and the second injection was given within the last six months.
Primary course given, but first booster (due within seven months) has not yet been given. Fine if second injection was less than six months ago.